2017-06-07 00:00:00   来源:生物帮   评论:0 点击:

2017年5月10日,国际知名期刊《eLife》杂志在线发表了英国伦敦大学学院Tobias U Hauser 研究员的一篇研究论文,研究报道了研究人员找到一种新型药物,可以治疗强迫症。这种能阻止人体内去甲肾上腺素激增的药物,或许能增强你的自信,并有望带来精神分裂症和强迫症的新疗法。

生活中充满选择,有时你很难弄清选择是否正确。通常,人们在多大程度上相信自己的决定取决于元认知。人们依赖该认知过程评估自己的行为和能力。Tobias Hauser表示,人们的判断决定了未来行为,例如,如果你认为自己玩飞盘玩得不好,就有可能不太愿意玩这个游戏。

而自信过差是心理健康问题的一部分。“精神分裂和强迫症的许多症状与元认知判断缺乏有关。例如,强迫症患者可能会反复查看是否锁门,他们难以判断自己是否完成了一件事。” Hauser说。





“该研究非常有趣,第一次展示了元认知能被药物调节。”未参与该项目的伦敦大学学院的Steve Fleming说。


Noradrenaline blockade specifically enhances metacognitive performance


Impairments in metacognition, the ABIlity to accurately report one’s performance, are common in patients with psychiatric disorders, where a putative neuromodulatory dysregulation provides the rationale for pharmacological interventions. Previously, we have shown how unexpected arousal modulates metacognition (Allen et al., 2016). Here, we report a double-blind, plAcebo-controlled, study that examined specific effects of noradrenaline and dopamine on both metacognition and perceptual decision making. Signal theoretic analysis of a global motion discrimination task with adaptive performance staircasing revealed that noradrenergic blockade (40 mg propranolol) significantly increased metacognitive performance (type-II area under the curve, AUROC2), but had no impact on perceptual decision making performance. Blockade of dopamine D2/3 receptors (400 mg amisulpride) had no effect on either metacognition or perceptual decision making. Our study is the first to show a pharmacological enhancement of metacognitive performance, in the absence of any effect on perceptual decision making. This enhancement points to a regulatory role for noradrenergic neurotransmission in perceptual metacognition.


作者:Tobias U Hauser 点击:次
